Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flowers Can Be Therapeutic?

someone sent me flowers

Feeling a bit stressed out today and just not myself, I heard the doorbell ring.  I was expecting the Aquarium men who clean our fish tank and instead a man with a beautiful bouquet of flowers stood there with a cute little smile on his face waiting my reaction.  I felt a rush of energy and found myself slipping into a good mood. I thought  What a satisfying job that must be to deliver flowers and always get to see a persons face light up and their disposition change in front of you. I also wondered if there has been a study done about flowers and mood changes.  So I found a nice little study done by a Rosie Flores
 (appropriate name I thought).
Flowers Can Be Therapeutic
By: Rosie Flores

"Besides the myriads of beautiful things that flowers are known for, they also have a therapeutic effect on us. Flowers just make you feel good, and you like having flowers around as much as possible. Flowers have the power to lift your spirits.  A thing of beauty is joy forever and flowers surpass everything in beauty. A room full of aromatic flowers makes you feel good and your stress seems to dissolve in the wonderful scent of those flowers. Giving and receiving flowers has a charm beyond compare. You just feel you're on cloud nine with flowers around you. Until now there was not any scientific reason or research to prove that flowers could actually affect your mood and make you happy. The researchers have discovered that there is an instant effect on a person's mood when you receive flowers. You break into a smile involuntarily irrespective of your age or your temperament Even those who were feeling low and were in a depressed mood felt good almost immediately after receiving a gift of flowers. No wonder, we have the tradition to take flowers when we go to see someone in the hospital. Flowers have a healing touch. They make people feel more optimistic and look at the brighter side of life."

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